Grants/Funding available from Enterprise Ireland

Grants/Funding available from Enterprise Ireland
Enterprise Ireland supports manufacturing development and international trade. There are many different types of funding and grants available for companies of different sizes to take advantage of, which are outlined below, categorised by their specific criteria.
1. Funding for those who have a start-up idea:
Enterprise Ireland offers funding for those with new business ideas, as may your Local Enterprise Office.
- Enterprise Ireland Start-up Team – If you have a start-up with the idea and potential to create an innovative product or service for sale on international markets you could be eligible for a Start-up Team Fund. Companies must also have potential to create 10 jobs and €1m in sales within 3 years of starting up.
- New Frontiers Entrepreneur Development Programme – run alongside the Institutes of Technology and Technological Universities to support entrepreneurs with business ideas to establish their own company, with a €15,000 scholarship payment.
- Local Enterprise Office (LEO) – LEOs provide advice, information and support to you in starting up or growing your business through training courses, market research information, business planning advice and templates, access to experienced business mentors, feasibility grants and co-investment for your plans, amongst others.
2. Funding for those who are already HPSUs (High Potential Start Up):
HPSUs are start-up businesses with the potential to develop an innovative product or service for sale on international markets and the potential to create 10 jobs and €1m in sales within 3 years of starting up. Companies who are at the feasibility stage can apply for the following Enterprise Ireland supports:
- HPSU Feasibility Grant – To support development of a high potential start-up and an Investor Ready Business Plan. The maximum grant funding available for a High Potential Start-Up feasibility study is 70% of eligible expenditures. The maximum level of grant funding currently available is €30,000. (Please note, the feasibility grant offer is only open to clients of Enterprise Ireland). Click here for more info
- Innovation Voucher – Worth €5000, these allow early stage companies to work with a registered college or knowledge provider in Ireland or Northern Ireland to explore a business opportunity or solve a technical problem. (The Innovation Vouchers initiative is open to all small and medium-sized limited companies registered in Ireland. Click here for more info
- New Frontiers Entrepreneur Development Programme – The programme is designed to support entrepreneurs with innovative business ideas who are planning to establish and run their own company. A range of supports including mentoring, incubation space and a €15,000 scholarship payment are provided to help accelerate the development of the business. Click here for more info
- Mentor Grant – Enterprise Ireland’s Mentor Network has a panel of more than 400 highly experienced business people. These are entrepreneurs, founders and senior executives with international commercial business development experience. The Mentor Network is open to Enterprise Ireland clients who are manufacturing or internationally traded services companies employing between 10 and 249 people and High Potential Start Ups (HPSUs). Click here for more info
Investor Ready funding includes:
- Pre-seed Start Fund – The purpose of the Pre-Seed Start Fund is to accelerate the growth of early-stage start-up companies that have the capacity and ambition to succeed in global markets. The Pre-Seed Fund will support early-stage companies to reach key technical and commercial milestones required to attract future Seed Funding within 6 – 18 months. Support Available: €50k or €100k (in two equal tranches) Click here for more info
- Innovative HPSU Fund (Equity) – This fund was established to support the start-up and development costs of High Potential Start-Up companies. This investment goes towards the achievement of an overall business plan, rather than funding towards discrete elements of a business plan, such as R&D or employment creation. Enterprise Ireland invests in partnership with other investors in an investment round. The promoters will be expected to participate financially in the investment round. The maximum Enterprise Ireland can commit to an investment round is 50% of the investment required. Click here for more info
Post Investment Supports for companies in a growth phase:
- Market Discovery Fund –The aim of the Market Discovery Fund is to incentivise companies to undertake market research and develop viable and sustainable market entry strategies in new geographic markets. The Market Discovery Fund is available across four levels, from €35K up to €150k. Click here for more info
- Excel at Export Selling – Excel series of workshops is aimed at rapidly embedding the proven tools of good international selling practice as well as people performance into teams of Irish companies across all industry sectors. Enterprise Ireland will fund 70% of the programme costs leaving a programme fee of approximately €300. Click here for more info
- Evolve Strategic Planning Grant – This grant assists businesses to develop a strategic response to address business disruption.Enterprise Ireland offers up to €5,000 (50% grant aid) in support. Click here for more info
- Post-Brexit: Market Growth and Diversification Grant – The aim is to help clients that are impacted by Brexit to identify new market opportunities, develop a market entry plan and grow exports in markets outside of the UK. Up to 80% of the costs incurred in hiring a consultant to a maximum grant amount of €36,000. Click here for more info
3. Established SME business with more than 10 employees:
Funding is available for small and medium sized businesses in international traded service or manufacturing. Companies must be established, with between 10 and 250 employees, less than €50m annual turnover or an annual balance of less than €43m. Funding decisions for SME are determined by:
- Need for financial support for the project
- Previous funding provided to the company
- Regional location of the company
- Potential employment and sales growth
Types of support available include those that cover:
Market Research and Internationalisation Supports:
- Evolve Strategic Planning Grant
- Post-Brexit : Market Growth & Diversification Grant
- Strategic Marketing Review
- Market Discovery Fund
- Digital Marketing Capability
- Enter the Eurozone Programme
- Excel at Export Selling
- International Selling Programme
Supports for Product, Process or Services Development including RD&I Funding:
- Exploring Innovation Grant
- Agile Innovation Fund
- Research, Development and Innovation (RD&I) Fund
- Digital Process Innovation
- IP Strategy Support
- Evolve Strategic Planning Grant
- Post-Brexit : Market Growth & Diversification Grant
- Innovation Voucher
- Innovation Partnership Grant Programme
- Horizon Europe and other EU Research Funding Programmes
- Innovation 4 Growth Programme
Supports to Enhance and Develop your Management Team:
- Mentor Grant
- Strategic Consultancy Grant
- Key Manager / Part Time Key Manager Grant
- Go Global 4 Growth
Productivity, Sustainability and Business Process Improvement Supports:
- Ukraine Enterprise Crisis Scheme
- Climate Planning Fund for Business
- Enterprise Emissions Reduction Fund
Lean Business Offer - Capital Investment Initiative Fund
- Digital Process Innovation
- Operational Excellence Offer
- GradStart
- Job Expansion Fund
- Tailored Company Expansion Packages
Get in Touch:
If you are interested in finding out how we can help your business, please book a no obligation call.